What is GetIstio - Inaugural Community Meetup

Feb 18, 2021 at AM 9:00 PST
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The inaugural meetup will be a special edition with 90 minutes to introduce the community, unpack the GetIstio and GetEnvoy projects, and hear what’s new in the Istio 1.9 release. We look forward to diving into the topics, demonstrating some new Istio capabilities and answering all of your questions during the Q&A session.

  • Welcome and Introduction
    • GetIstio community
    • Community goals and objectives
    • Meeting cadence
    • Current stakeholders
    • Future topics
    • Community resources
  • Introduction to the GetIstio project with Zack Butcher
  • Review of the GetEnvoy project with Christoph Pakulski
  • Istio 1.9 Release Update
    • Demonstration of new features related to VMs, observability, and more
  • Q&A
  • Closing with community resource links