Install GetMesh and Istio

In this section, you’ll learn how to install getmesh on your local client, and install an Istio distribution of your choice on a Kubernetes cluster:

  1. getmesh: Install getmesh, the TID tool that performs the management and maintenance of Istio instances. A single getmesh instance can manage multiple Istio instances across multiple Kubernetes clusters.
  2. Istio: Use getmesh to discover which Istio variants can be deployed on your target cluster, select one and perform a safe, validated installation operation.
  3. EKS Addon: On Amazon EKS, you don’t need to use getmesh to install a Tetrate Istio distribution. You can install directly from the AWS console, using the Tetrate Istio EKS Addon.
  4. Validate the Install: Once you’ve installed an Istio instance, you can use getmesh to check the install and validate the Istio configuration